Updated SSPL Website

“What’s going on here?”
We welcome you to our newly updated website! The Saratoga Springs Public Library’s main website is going through a full refresh. You’ll notice an updated design, additional content and features, and a lot of metaphorical wet paint! Certain aspects of the site are expected to be in a continued state of flux for some time to come, all to bring you better things!
As with any major overhaul, there are bound to be some pain points. Although we don’t want to provide you with anything other than an awesome experience, we do totally expect there to be some remaining issues. If something’s just not quite right please let us know; it might be intentional, or it might be an oversight - but we still want to hear from you!
If you don’t have time to learn a new thing right now, we understand that too. Although the old website was accessible for a little while after the new website was released, web server upgrades outside of our control forced us to shut it down. If there’s anything you want or need from the old website, please reach out to the web administrator for assistance.