Seed Library
Welcome to the SSPL Seed Library!
Open to all, from Master Gardeners to the curious, our seed library provides free seeds, programming and supporting resources.
Enjoying your experience? Share your progress, or happy expressions, with us and others on any of our social media platforms, such as Twitter/X, Facebook, or Instagram.
Getting Your Seeds
We’re thrilled to announce that the seed library will be available to Saratoga Springs City School District residents on April 11, 2024. Then, on April 12, 2024, we extend a warm invitation to everyone in our community
Step 1: Get Seeds
- Head to the Library. Come into the library and choose up to 9 packets of seeds from the current selection, while supplies last.
- Visit us at our Outreach Van locations and at the Saratoga Springs Wednesday Farmers Market. Check our schedule for locations, dates and times.
Our seed collection depends on donations, growing success, and seasonal changes.
Library seeds are from High Mowing Organic Seeds and the Hudson Valley Seed Company.
We cannot guarantee the content of seeds harvested and donated by the community - take a chance and see what blossoms.
Step 2: Grow
Get ready to get dirty and go through the trials and tribulations of nurturing a plant.
Step 3: Return
Collect seeds from your healthiest crops and set some aside for yourself and bring some back to the library for next year’s seed library.
Seed-saving envelopes are available at the Info Desk or you can print your own form.
Available Seeds
The following seed selections are available for free from the library. For more growing information, refer to the links below.
Due to our ever-changing supplies, the below list may not accurately depict what we have on-premise at any given moment.
What Flowers are Available?
What Fruits or Vegetables are Available?
- Azur Star Kohlrabi
- Black Beauty Eggplant
- Boro Beet
- Cocozelle Zucchini
- Dagan Brussels Sprouts
- Daikon Radish
- DeCicco Broccoli
- Emiko Cabbage
- French Breakfast Radish
- Golden Acre Cabbage
- Green Finger Cucumber
- Green Zebra Tomato
- Halblange Parsnip
- New Mexico Joe E. Parker Hot Pepper
- Nautic Brussels Sprouts
- Radiant Radish Mix
- Tavor Artichoke
- Toma Verde Tomatillo
What Greens are Available?
- Astro Arugula
- Bellezia Arugula
- Bloosmdale Spinach
- Curly Roja Kale
- Esmee Arugula
- Gourmet Blend Lettuce
- Green Towers Romaine Lettuce
- High Mowing DMR Blend Lettuce
- Ironman Kale Mix
- Lacinato Dinosaur Kale
- Lovelock Lettuce
- Mache
- Mizuna Asian Greens
- Outredgeous Romaine Lettuce
- Red Giant Mustard
- Red Russian Kale
- Regiment Spinach
- Rouge d’Hiver Lettuce
- Ruby Streaks Mustard Green
- Saladin Iceburg Lettuce
- Shanghai Green Pac Choy
- Tat Soi Asian Green
- Two Star Lettuce
- Vates Kale
- Wasabina Mustard Greens
- White Russian Kale
- Yukina Savoy
Library guides:
- Gardening - Getting started, tips & tricks, specialty gardens and sustainability.
- Pollinators - Book and movie recommendations for all ages.
Library of Things:
We have tools of the trade to help your garden grow.