Digital and Downloadable Offerings
Language Arts
Not all library offerings revolve around the standard materials for reading and entertainment, libraries are also for learning. Take advantage of our language learning tools to assist in literacy, or in learning a brand new language. It may help with grades in school, confidence in interacting with others of a different language, or in preparation for a business trip or vacation abroad. Whatever the reason, these services are offered for free to you when originally accessed from our website.
eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Digital Magazines and Comic Books
Through our digital content provider, OverDrive, the library can share a plethora of downloadable books, audiobooks, and magazines. Although the digital options may not be as thorough as an online marketplace such as Amazon, there’s bound to be something to interest just about anyone, and they’re of course free for you to use!
This service can be accessed multiple ways:
- SALON (Southern Adirondack Library ON[line])
- Libby (Web Page)
- Libby Mobile App (Apple) (Android)
- Comics Plus
- Hoopla
Instantly download and stream movies, television shows, documentaries, and instructional programs with Hoopla and Kanopy!
Use the resources below, as a starting point, to discover some of the services that the library offers.

Comics Plus, powered by LibraryPass, is a digital library that offers a vast collection of comics, graphic novels, and manga. By logging in with your Saratoga Springs Public Library card, you can read titles on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Enjoy unlimited access to all titles without any wait times or limits.
Available through the library’s Hoopla subscription, using its Bingepass offering, is CreativeBug, a resource offering downloadable resources as well as 1,000+ online videos for art and craft classes and tutorials, such as recipes, hand-lettering, sewing, and knitting taught by recognized experts.
EBSCO provides full text for magazines, periodicals and reference books covering a wide-range of subject areas including business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and much more. This information service also provides an Image Collection containing photos, maps and flags. Includes MasterFILE, MasterFILE Reference eBook collection, Teacher Reference Center, GreenFile, and Consumer Reports!

Borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics, and TV shows on a computer, tablet, or phone - and even your TV! Using a “Bingepass” you can also digitally borrow either an entire season of a TV series, or 7 days worth of Creativebug (self-paced arts and crafts classes) access!
Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video platform specifically made for patrons of libraries that offers a large collection of award-winning films and documentaries, as well as children’s programming.
Access ebooks, audiobooks, and digital magazines from the web or through a mobile app!

Little Pim, intended for birth to age 6, provides language instruction for twelve primary languages. It uses story-based cartoon video learning, and is highly entertaining! “Children are uniquely equipped to learn up to three languages without affecting progress in their (native language).” - Little Pim

Mango is an online language-learning system that teaches actual conversation skills for 42 different languages. Recommended by LA Times Travel as an online language learning resource for travelers.
There are also mobile apps for your phone for on-the-go learning!