English Language Learning and Adult Basic Literacy

The Saratoga Springs Public Library Literacy Service offers adults help with learning English as a new language, as well as Adult Basic Literacy: reading and writing skills for fluent English speakers. We offer one-to-one tutoring as well as English Language Classes.

SSPL English Language Learning classes are free. Our English language classes focus on developing English language vocabulary, fluency, and reading skills in a group setting. Trained volunteer teachers strive to help students feel comfortable and confident in using English in their daily lives. The times and frequency of classes are subject to change. Please consult our events calendar to view choices, and to register for a class.


Interested in volunteering as a literacy tutor with SSPL? Teaching experience is not necessary. To learn more, download the SSPL Position Description. Those interested may contact our Literacy Librarian, or complete and return a volunteer application form.

Additional Information

Contact the Literacy Librarian with further questions about reading and writing, English learning, or tutoring. The librarian may be reached at (518) 584-7860, ext. 259, or via email.

Classes may be cancelled for various reasons. Always check for cancellations and up-to-date class times on the Events Calendar.

Useful Informational Resources

There are many virtual resources on the internet, as well as electronic and physical resources housed within the library. It’s hard to always know what works well. The library has found many useful resources for use by learners, and those looking to provide instruction alike.

Two studious people looking over strewn papers with a pen in hand.
English Learners

Resources for those looking to learn, or better, their English literacy.

An older woman with glasses in focus, out-of-focus behind her to the right is a student at a desk.
Those Looking to Provide English Instruction

Resources for those giving instruction to English learners.

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