Harry Dutcher Community Room

About the Harry Dutcher Community Room
With room dimensions at approximately 58’×38’, the Harry Dutcher Community Room - named in honor of a previous library director - is the largest event space within the library building. This room boasts a maximum audience of 110 people, and many features (including a full kitchen!). All library areas have free public WiFi available.
Features of this Location / Special Features
- Platform Stage (24’×14’)
- Whole Room Sound
- Up to 110 chairs
- Digital Projector and Screen
- Full Kitchen
- Podium with Microphone
- Stage Piano
- Up to 34 Tables (2.5’×6’)
- Video (VGA / HDMI) Hookup Cables
- Handheld Microphones
- Card Table
Hours of Availability
The Dutcher Community Room may be open during the same hours as the library, but it is only accessible for use during library programs or public meetings. Please see the public meeting room guidelines to understand limitations, and the public meeting rooms service page for more information on reserving its use as a public group.
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Where to Find this Location
On the main floor, from the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the library, turn right and head toward the end of the building, keeping to the far right wall. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, head straight toward the other side of the building, go to the other side of the wall behind the Information Desk and turn left and head to the end of the hallway. The doors to the Dutcher Community Room will be about halfway down the hall.