Public Address (PA) System Policy

Last updated: December, 2008


The purpose of this policy is to define when the Saratoga Springs Public Library public address system should be used. This regulates acceptable use, protects patron privacy, and ensures that disruptive noise and arbitrary use of the public address system are avoided.

General Policy

The public address (PA) system is restricted to library purposes, for making announcements which involve everyone in the building.

  1. Primarily, the PA system will be used:
    1. The announce library closing times;
    2. For critical library-wide announcements as deemed necessary by the Library Director or Person-in-Charge. Examples of critical announcements include but are not limited to:
      1. Emergencies requiring evacuation of the building;
      2. Weather or other emergencies necessitating that building occupants take shelter;
      3. Testing of alarm systems;
  2. In general, the PA system will not be used to announce library programs; however exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Director or Person-in-Charge.
  3. The PA system will not be used to make personal announcements.


  1. Patrons: In order to protect users’ privacy and to maintain a reasonably quiet library, there will be no paging of patrons.
  2. Safety and Security Emergencies: The PA system is not meant to replace other forms of communication with library security personnel. Staff members should continue to use the two-way radios to reach Building Operations staff for emergencies. However, in rare occurrences the PA system may be used to make announcements involving personal instances, defined either as situations involving death, critical illness, or serious injury.