Web Resources
Our librarians have curated valuable resources that often surpass what you’d find through a regular web search. Explore these resources provided below. If you require further support, our librarians are ready to offer further assistance!
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Showing Selected Resources 1 to 9 of 9
Our librarians review, discover, and find amazing internet resources on a vast amount of topics. Sharing their knowledge and experience is a primary focus of what we do here at the library. These guides, referred to as LibGuides, made by our librarians include recommendations in a variety of subject areas, as well as guides about library services, events, and helpful links and tools.
NOVELNY is an online library of literally hundreds of magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, maps, charts, research, homework resources, business resources and reference books that are available to every New Yorker, free of charge. All you need is your public library card, New York driver license -or- New York Non-Driver ID. Students may also access the NOVELny databases through their school or academic library.
Discover various resources that help to identify, track, and understand the many milestones within a child’s development through life.
Every Kid Outdoors was created by the Department of the Interior (US Government) so fourth graders and their families could discover our wildlife, resources, and history for free. Use the website to request your free passes to all of the registered national parks in the United States.
Mid-Continent Public Library’s Juvenile Series and Sequels database provides the ability to find books that are part of a series. If you’re looking for a prequel or sequel to a particular story targeted for younger readers, this is the place to go!
Find interesting and educationally fun activities and tasks, provided by National Geographic. Be sure to get creative - and maybe messy - with ideas for things to do both inside and outside.
The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual event, held during the month of February, that unites people around the entire world to help understand the species, the birds’ migration patterns, and to better protect the birds around the world. Although participation is fun - this website also offers the data collected from the event. See what birds are were recently found near you, or any other place in the world!
This PDF document, provided by the NYS Department of Health, offers a wealth of information to assist expecting parents through the various stages of parenthood of things you might think of, and things you might not. There’s also a section for Parent Survival Tips!
Find books that are part of a series. Search by author, title, genre, audience, or author’s name.
Showing Selected Resources 1 to 9 of 9