Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

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Library Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Monday, May 9, 2022

Frank Brady, Kathleen Capelli, Heather Crocker, Carol Daggs, Terence Diggory, Jean Fei, Issac (Ike) Pulver, Eric Blackman, Catherine Brenner, Jennifer Ferriss, Don Flinton, Kelly McCombs, Jennifer Ogrodowski, Ric Taras, Klare Ingram, Jennifer Allen, Denise Feltes

Janet Lindner

Meeting Called to Order at 5:06 PM

Approval of April Minutes

Terry suggested a revision to the April minutes under Correspondence and Communication as follows:

Frank Brady and all members of the Board received a letter from Linda Stiles concerning a meeting room booking that was supposed to be for a non-profit and found out it wasn’t that violated library policy since Ms. Stiles's organization was not a non-profit. Frank responded to her correspondence, explained the policy and sent it to her.”

The correction was made to the website minutes, but it is not reflected in the packet minutes.

Motion made by Terry and second by Katie to approve the amended meeting minutes of the April Board Meeting along with the Executive Session minutes. All in favor. Motion carries.

Report from Klare Ingram

Klare Ingram, President of the Friends of SSPL, introduced Jennifer Allen who is the incoming Executive Director. Membership has once again reached the 300 plus threshold, IT infrastructure is now centralized, and the Friends have aligned their fiscal year with the library’s fiscal year. Upcoming events will include modernizing their bylaws, looking at their logo, and diversifying their revenue stream.

Approval of Expenditures

Motion made by Frank and second by Katie to reallocate $5,000 from Audio and Visual Materials (60025-1) to Periodicals and Microforms (60020-1). All in favor. Motion carries.

Motion made by Katie and second by Frank to approve the April Pre-Paid checks #69961 & 69962 totaling $389.75 and the May Warrants #69963-70041 totaling $137,776.75. All in favor. Motion approved.

Approval of Financial Reports

Ike clarified that in last month’s income report, the Miscellaneous Income was in fact an insurance refund, not a dividend check.

Motion made by Frank and second by Heather to reallocate $5,000 from Audio and Visual Materials (60025-1) to Electronic Resources (60018-1). All in favor. Motion carries.

Terry motioned to approve the financial reports, second by Katie. All in favor. Financial reports are approved.

President’s Report:

A recent change to the Open Meetings Law allows videoconferencing under emergency circumstances, such as illness and child care, and the public must be able to comment. Frank sent materials to the board members to review. Further discussion will take place at a later date.

Public Comment: None

Correspondence & Communication: None

Director’s Report:

With the rapid rise in Covid Community Levels for Saratoga County, the CDC once again recommends masking while in indoor public places.

Given the recent and ongoing changes in guidance and its interpretation, the Leadership Team has adopted the following guidelines while the Covid Community Level is at High:

· All staff, volunteers, and contractors must wear masks when working in public and shared spaces inside the library building.

· Masks are currently required for attendees at all indoor group programs and in the Teen Room.

· Masks are recommended for everyone while inside the library.

Reopening the Treehouse Room continues to be on hold.

Catherine stated that rotation of the toy collection without investing a huge amount of staff time and cleaning is being worked on. Hard surfaced toys that can go into a dishwasher are being purchased.

Terry would like a Trustee Behind-The-Scenes Tour of the building, as was done for the Friends. Frank concurred.

Recruitment for the Assistant Director position will start in a matter of days.

Department Reports:

Frank congratulated Jen Ferriss on being elected by members of the American Library Association Sustainability Round Table to serve 3 years on the American Library Association Council as a representative to the Round Table. Her term begins on July 1, 2022.

SSPL has won the Largest Percentage of Employee Participation three times and the Largest Team four times for Bike to Work Day.

The Children’s Room is anticipating the hatching of our chicks very shortly. The Chick Cam is live on our website. The life-sized Candyland was in the community room and enjoyed by children and adults.

The public is returning to in-person programming more slowly in recent weeks due to the increase in Covid numbers. One-on-One Computer Help and technology chat sessions are still in high demand along with holistic programs. In April, the Brown Bag Lunch returned.

Saratoga Room hours are Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Tuesday, Thursday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., and Saturday 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Operations staff is re-acclimating to the increased programming while being short staffed which has encouraged teamwork.

Motion made by Frank and second by Heather to appoint Jenny Freedman, Computer Clerk (P/T), and Caitlin Costa, Librarian I (P/T). All in favor. Appointments are approved.

Lengthy discussion regarding Paid Family Leave. Motion made by Frank to change the current policy on New York Paid Family Leave to add a sentence on page 57 of the Employee Handbook that states:

While employees will continue to accrue all paid time off benefits while out on Paid Family Leave, hours accrued while on Paid Family Leave will not be paid out in cash at separation. Terry seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Discussion regarding the increase in Health Insurance. Special health insurance meeting will be held on Friday, May 13th at 4:30 pm.

Special / Committee Reports: None

Old Business:

  1. Time off Accrual / Paid Family Leave – motion approved during Department Reports (see above)
  2. Mechanical Systems Upgrade Status – since the library is still waiting for the equipment to be delivered, we will request an extension of the grant.

New Business:

  1. Requests to Appoint – motions approved during Department Reports (see above)
  2. Report from Klare Ingram, President, Friends of SSPL – immediately following the Approval of the April Minutes (see above)
  3. Board Development / Retreat Scheduling: Discussion with self-evaluation proposed by Katie to follow the June board meeting.
  4. May Half-Day Staff Day, Friday, May 13th will be held from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm for employees to complete the state and federally mandated harassment training.

Executive Session to Discuss a Particular Personnel Matter: Not needed

Meeting Adjourned at 6:45 pm

Respectfully submitted by:
Denise Feltes, Senior Account Clerk

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