Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

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Library Board of Trustees
Board Meeting
Monday, September 21, 2020

Frank Brady, Kathleen Capelli, Heather Crocker, Terence Diggory, Janet Lindner, Ike Pulver, Eric Blackman, Tara Chhabra, Laura Clark, Jennifer Ferriss, Don Flinton, Jennifer Ogrodowski, Ric Taras and Susan Pettit

Minita Sanghvi (was present at 5:20PM)

Meeting Called to Order at 5:02 PM

Approval of July 13, 2020 Minutes:
Terence Diggory second by Heather Crocker approve the July 13, 2020 with corrections to the minutes made by Terence Diggory prior to this meeting. All in favor. Motion carried.

Approval of Expenditures:
Janet Lindner second by Frank Brady approve the August warrants ck. #68081-68159 totaling $138,986.19 and September warrants ck. #68162-68241 totaling $107,100.98. All in favor. Motion carried.

Approval of Financial Reports:
Kathleen Capelli second by Terence Diggory motioned to all the financial reports. All in favor. Motion carried.

President's Report:
Thanked all Staff for continuing to cope and work so hard to give public service during this pandemic. Congratulated the library on recent Green Business Partnership award. Ike Pulver accepted the award for the library. Welcome Kristen Dart. Juneteenth holiday was discussed in the July Board meeting. Since then, the State Assembly and Senate was approved. The bill is now on the Governor's desk for approval. Good news.

Public Comment:

Correspondence and Communication:

Director's Report:
The library will be closed to the public for Staff Day. Ike thanked Tara Chhabra for her reimagining Staff Day. Ike enjoyed getting to know Carol Daggs better through her presentation she gave. The remaining Director's report, statistics and department reports were reviewed.

Special / Committee Reports:
Frank Brady had originally thought three standing committees were needed, long term planning, evaluation and nomination committees. Now only two are needed, long term and evaluation committees. Frank assigned Heather Crocker and Kathleen Capelli to the evaluation committee and Terence Diggory, Janet Lindner and Frank Brady will be assigned to the long-term committee. Much discussion took place about the open meeting laws for these committees. The vote on the proposal is deferred until the next Board meeting.

Old Business:
Was covered in Ike's report.

New Business:
Frank Brady moved, second by Terence Diggory to appoint Kristen Dart to the Board to finish the term through June 30, 2021. All in favor. Kristen Dart was appointed to the Board of Trustees. Motion carried. Ike attempted to seek out a second proposal for the audit on the advice of the comptroller. The second firm didn't come through. Ike spoke with Eric Blackman and he didn't think it was a good time right now to change auditors. Ike asked for Board approval to engage Marvin & Company to do the audit for the library this year. Kathleen Capelli moved second by Heather Crocker to have Marvin & Company do the audit for the library. All in favor. Motion carried. Kathleen Capelli was impressed by the survey for strategic planning. Frank Brady agreed.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:09 pm

Respectfully submitted by:
Susan Pettit

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